Lake Country, BC Canada - April 4, 2007
Vanderstar Engineeirng & Assoicates CEO Jack Van der Star was awarded "Innovator of the Year" awarded by the Okanagan Science and Technology Council (OSTEC). The Innovator of the Year award recognizes a leading individual who has demonstrated innovation, leadership, sound business practices and community involvement in the research of science or technology and/or the development and application of science or technology.
Earlier in 2006 WaveTeq was nominated for "Most promising Technology of the Year" with OSTEC. For more information visit
Jack is a founding member and Secretary of ION - the Innovation Okanagan Network the group responsible for bringing the UBCO Engineering School to the Valley, a founder and Vice-Chair of ORIC, the Okanagan Research and Innovation Centre a successful commercial incubator located at DRAO the Dominion Radio Astronomical Observatory near Penticton, BC and a Director of OSTEC the Okanagan Science and Technology Centre.
Vanderstar Engineering & Associates is a world class professional services firm that specializes in advising clients in the establishment of Broadband Communications Networks and the Commericalization of services and products needed as part of their deployment.